October TBR: The Books I Hope to Read in October

Hello, wonderful creatures, happy Monday everyone and welcome back to Victorious Pages.

It is officially Spooky Season and I am determined to read AT LEAST four books this month because lately I have been doing so and it brings me such joy, clarity and balance in my so very hectic daily routine.

So, here I am today to share with you the books I want to read this October, one way or another.

1. Book Lovers, by Emily Henry

One summer. Two rivals. A plot twist they didn’t see coming….

Nora Stephens’ life is books—she’s read them all—and she is not that type of heroine. Not the plucky one, not the laidback dream girl, and especially not the sweetheart. In fact, the only people Nora is a heroine for are her clients, for whom she lands enormous deals as a cutthroat literary agent, and her beloved little sister Libby.

Which is why she agrees to go to Sunshine Falls, North Carolina for the month of August when Libby begs her for a sisters’ trip away—with visions of a small-town transformation for Nora, who she’s convinced needs to become the heroine in her own story. But instead of picnics in meadows, or run-ins with a handsome country doctor or bulging-forearmed bartender, Nora keeps bumping into Charlie Lastra, a bookish brooding editor from back in the city. It would be a meet-cute if not for the fact that they’ve met many times and it’s never been cute.

If Nora knows she’s not an ideal heroine, Charlie knows he’s nobody’s hero, but as they are thrown together again and again—in a series of coincidences no editor worth their salt would allow—what they discover might just unravel the carefully crafted stories they’ve written about themselves.”

It may seem like the typical summer read but… oh, well! I didn’t fully enjoy this past summer and I want more. So, I am gonna relive those summer nights, and days, through this book.

My friend Tatiana enjoyed it a lot and I trust her on what comes to RomComs, so I can’t wait to dive into this baby!

2. Kingdom of the Feared (Kingdom of the Wicked, #3), by Kerri Maniscalco

Two curses.
One prophecy.
A reckoning all have feared.

And a love more powerful than fate. All hail the king and queen of Hell.

Emilia is reeling from the shocking discovery that her twin sister, Vittoria, is alive. But before she faces the demons of her past, Emilia yearns to claim her king, the seductive Prince of Wrath, in the flesh. Emilia doesn’t simply desire his body, she wants his heart and soul—but that’s something the enigmatic demon can’t promise her.

When a high-ranking member of House Greed is assassinated, Emilia and Wrath are drawn to the rival demon court. Damning evidence points to Vittoria as the murderer and she’s quickly declared an enemy of the Seven Circles. Despite her betrayal, Emilia will do anything to solve this new mystery and find out who her sister really is.

Together Emilia and Wrath play a sin-fueled game of deception as they work to stop the unrest that’s brewing between witches, demons, shape-shifters and the most treacherous foes of all: the Feared.

Emilia was warned that when it came to the Wicked nothing was as it seemed. But, have the true villains been much closer all along? When the truth is finally revealed, it just might end up costing Emilia her heart.

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Stalking the Jack the Ripper series comes the steamy conclusion to Kingdom of the Wicked trilogy.

I am currently listening to the audiobook of this badass baby and HOLY FREAKING GUACAMOLE, you guys! It is HOT, HOT, HOT! I love the pacing of the book, the characters and the hellish manipulations and courts’ intrigues and schemes, that I can’t wait to share my full-length review with you all!

And, at this point, I can say with utmost certainty that Kingdom of the Wicked is officially an all-time-favourite series for me.

3. The Ravens (The Ravens, #1), by Kass Morgan and Danielle Paige

“Kappa Rho Nu isn’t your average sorority. Their parties are notorious. Their fundraisers are known for being Westerly College’s most elaborate affairs. But beneath the veil of Greek life and prestige, the sisters of Kappa Rho Nu share a secret: they’re a coven of witches.

For Vivi Deveraux, being one of Kappa Rho Nu’s Ravens means getting a chance to redefine herself. For Scarlett Winters, a bona fide Raven and daughter of a legacy Raven, pledge this year means living up to her mother’s impossible expectations of becoming Kappa Rho Nu’s next president. Scarlett knows she’d be the perfect candidate—that is, if she didn’t have one human-sized skeleton in her closet…. 

When Vivi and Scarlett are paired as big and little for initiation, they find themselves sinking into the sinister world of blood oaths and betrayals.”

A dark academia book with sororities and witches feels perfect for this time of the year. And since this particular book has been waiting patiently on my TBR pile, I believe the time has come for me to read it.

4. The Vanishing Stair (Truly Devious, #2), by Maureen Johnson

“All Stevie Bell wanted was to find the key to the Ellingham mystery, but instead she found her classmate dead. And while she solved that murder, the crimes of the past are still waiting in the dark. Just as Stevie feels she’s on the cusp of putting it together, her parents pull her out of Ellingham academy.

For her own safety they say. She must move past this obsession with crime. Now that Stevie’s away from the school of topiaries and secret tunnels, and her strange and endearing friends, she begins to feel disconnected from the rest of the world. At least she won’t have to see David anymore. David, who she kissed. David, who lied to her about his identity—son of despised politician Edward King. Then King himself arrives at her house to offer a deal: He will bring Stevie back to Ellingham immediately. In return, she must play nice with David. King is in the midst of a campaign and can’t afford his son stirring up trouble. If Stevie’s at school, David will stay put.

The tantalizing riddles behind the Ellingham murders are still waiting to be unraveled, and Stevie knows she’s so close. But the path to the truth has more twists and turns than she can imagine—and moving forward involves hurting someone she cares for. In New York Times bestselling author Maureen Johnson’s second novel of the Truly Devious series, nothing is free, and someone will pay for the truth with their life.”

I read Truly Devious almost a lifetime ago, but I had enjoyed it quite a lot, especially towards the end. So, I don’t want to give its sequel a go and since it’s a dark academia book, with mystery elements, it feels appropriate for this time of the year.

Fingers crossed it doesn’t disappoint.

Have you guys read any of the books mentioned above? What are your reading plans for the month of October? Are you a mood reader or you follow a set TBR?

Let me know all your thoughts and feelings in the comment section down below.

Thank you all so very much for being here once again. It truly means the world to me and I want you to know that I most certainly don’t take your presence here for granted.

Love you all to Pluto and back, awesome nerds.

Have an amazing week, stay safe and stay positive.

Till next time… Toodles! ❤️

3 Comments Add yours

  1. I am hoping to read the Kerri Maniscolo one, but have not yet.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I loved the series! I hope you enjoy it, too!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am sure that I will =D

        Liked by 1 person

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