My First EVER Blog Award!

Hello awesome people and welcome back to Victorious Pages!

Today is a special day! I am happy beyond words and that is because… I was nominated for my first EVER blog award: the Blogger Recognition Award!

First of all, huge thanks, eternal gratitude and virtual red velvet cakes to Rita from A Song of Books and Coffee for nominating me! You really made my day, girl!


And now…


The rules:
* Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
* Write a post to show your award.
* Give a brief story of how your blog started.
* Give two pieces of advice for new bloggers.
* Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
* Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them & provide the link to the post you created

  • How my blog started

I started blogging back when I was in High School, almost ten years ago, and I kept blogging up till I turned 21, mostly about my studies (for those of you who don’t know I have a Bachelor degree in Economics and I’m about to finish my MBA), my passion for baking, some books and some severely dysfunctional relationships I had back then.

But, I woke up one day feeling like I had lost my “voice”. So, just like that, I stopped; not only blogging, but writing in general. Yes… I was writing my own stories, too. Some contemporary, some fantasy, some YA romance… That morning though, I felt like none of my projects had soul, if that makes any sense to you.

Back in October of 2016 though, I started working on another project, my current WIP; a YA, dark fantasy wanna-be novel. I believe you have read at least the first chapter so far… What? No? Just follow the previous link to do so!

And so, the idea of this blog just popped up inside my mind, in March 2017. Not only to talk about my own projects, but also about the books I love, the ones I hate, my passion for everything bookish related and all those weekends that my boyfriend talks to me and I basically act like those little dog-dolls with the moving heads we used to have in the back of our cars, back in the 90s, not actually listening because I’m reading an AMAZING book. But he loves me anyway… He knows I’ll return to him, once I’m done with my fictional crushes! Right, love?


So, yeah… That’s basically my story… This blog’s story. While searching for my inner voice as a writer, I created this blog; this place of books and coffee mugs and fantasy and passion. This place I hope one day you’ll love as much as I do!

  • Advice for new bloggers

Wow… I feel so fancy all of a sudden.

I’m kinda new in the WordPress community, but not that new on what comes to blogging in general.

So, my advice to all you new bloggers out there is to write about the things you feel passionate about. Whether it is books (like the main theme of this humble blog is), cooking, pottery, astronomy, tarot reading, inspirational and motivational quotes, how to get over your psycho ex… Anything!

If you feel passionate about it, your readers will understand and feel it, too, sooner or later!

After all, the expert in everything was once a beginner. Just… write your hearts out, dearies! I know I do!


I nominate:

  1. Maggie, from Dreaming of Guatemala
  2. Becky, from Coffee, Cocktails, and Books
  3. Drew, from The Tattooed Book Geek
  4. The Ravenclaw Book Club (Guilty and biased, because it’s my Hogwarts house!)
  5. The Book Princess Reviews
  6. The Wonder to Bookland
  7. Victoria, from Coffee with Jane(I believe she refers to Austen, otherwise it should be Coffee with Vicky)
  8. emilyhean, from Emily’s Attic
  9. Ann, from Ann’s Reading Corner
  10. missbookishnerd, form missbookishnerd’s Blog
  11. Amanda, from Literary Weaponry
  12. Never Not Reading, from (again) Never Not Reading 
  13. Ysabel, from Shelf of a Bookworm
  14. Abbie, from The Fuzzy Bookworm
  15. And last, but not least, debatablydateable, from Debatably Dateable

So, this was my (short) post regarding the Blogger Recognition Award! Once again, huge thanks to Rita, and of course to each and every one of you, amazing people, wonderful followers!

Thank you like A BILLION times for all the support and love! It is because of you I keep mumbling here! 💜

I hope you all enjoyed this post!

Have a great week everyone and…

Till next time… Toodles!

24 Comments Add yours

  1. emilyhean says:

    Thank you so much! So kind of you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re very welcome!


  2. Congratulations! And thanks for the nomination. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re very welcome! I look forward to reading your post!


  3. You’re a Ravenclaw too! Not a great HP fun but I love to find other people with the same house as mine. Congratulations for the award ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah… I always knew it, even before Pottermore! 💙
      Thank you!


  4. Maggie says:

    Congrats on the award, Victoria! And thanks for the nomination(: I love the story of how you started blogging!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Maggie! You’re welcome! ☺️
      Writing has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. It was sort of a “dark” period back then; not being able to truly express what I was feeling. Glad it’s over now! 😁


  5. Thank you for the nomination! Your blog is amazing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh… thank you! You’re very kind! ☺️ Looking forward to read your post!


  6. Congrats on your first award! Defintiely well deserved. 😉 I love your advice for new bloggers. It’s so very true, and I think everyone could take a lesson from that. Sometimes people just write to write or fill a blog post, but really, you need to write about what you’re passionate about because if not, you’ll just end up being burned out. Wonderful advice and it was super interesting to hear your story. Wonderful post, and thanks so much for the tag! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. First of all, thank you so much! ☺️ I’ve been writing for a long time now and no matter what others say, judging me for what I write, I do believe that the best way to thrive is to do what you’re truly passionate about! ☺️ Like really, deeply love it! I’m glad I can inspire at least some people to pursue their dreams and passions! It was so hard for me when I was not able to express my thoughts and feelings. And I don’t wish that to anyone!
      Glad you enjoyed the post! 😁 I’ll be looking forward to reading yours as well!


  7. delphinethebabbler says:

    Congrats on the nomination! I loved reading about how your blog got started – I can definitely relate with how you felt as though you had lost your ‘voice.’ When so focused on school and, well, LIFE, it’s easy to sometimes feel as though we’ve become lost and need a certain pick-me-up. I’m so glad blogging has brought you back and feeling better about yourself! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! ☺️
      That’s exactly how I was feeling back then; not only having lost my voice, but also feeling lost in general! But that’s totally expected when you surround yourself with toxic people without even realizing it!
      I’m glad too that things are MUCH better now! 💜
      Have a great week, love!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Abbie says:

    Thanks for nominating me! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re very welcome! ☺️

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Congrats on the award!! Thank you so so much for the nomination! It means a lot! I love your story of how you started your blog and the advice. It’s really great to hear writers/bloggers talk about falling in and out of love with writing and learning their advice for returning to writing/blogging.

    I’m definitely going to check out the first chapter of Lunar Pride!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and so very welcome! ☺️
      Even when I couldn’t express my thoughts and feelings, I still adores writing, so it’s more like losing my own voice, rather than losing my interest and love in writing itself. That dearie, can’t go away!

      Hope you enjoy Lunar Pride!
      I look forward to reading your post, too!


  10. You’re very welcome! Loved your answers 🙂
    I’ll definitely read the first chapter of “Lunar Pride” x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for nominating me! Glad you enjoyed the post and I look forward to reading your feedback regarding Lunar Pride! ☺️😘

      Liked by 1 person

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